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John Taylor

surely the dy mount press is still of use… i miss mine…
I know how you feel i haven't had a darkroom in ages (!!! 26 years!) and the prospect of lraening to make good black & white prints with an Inkjet are a bit daunting. I also miss Agfa Brovira paper. But i hear htere are some very nice papers out there so now i geuss i'll work on an ink budget instead of film.


I finally built my dream darkroom when we built a new house in 1999. We sold that house 2-1/2 years ago. But I had not used that darkroom in over a year when we sold the house. I do love the digital prints I can make after a long steep learning curve but I have to admit that every once in a while, I think about the joys of watching the print come up in the developer.

Mike C.

I feel your pain... I too loved the darkroom, but the first time I ran off a digital print, in multiple copies, with the lights on, whilst making the kids' evening meal at the same time, with each copy identical and perfectly spotted in advance, with better colour fidelity (and contrast control!) than I ever managed in years of stumbling around in total darkness... Now that was a revelation. I sold my enlargers within a month.

I still hesitate when opening a fresh pack of Epson paper, though, as my muscle memory is shrieking "Nooo!! The light is on!"

Try standing in a dark cupboard once a week, muttering "elephant one, elephant two..." for old time's sake. You'll soon get over it.

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