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Jeff Henderson

Doug, I primarily use Lightroom now instead of PS for all of my cataloging and about 95% of my image processing. The adjustment brush was added in the recent v2.0 upgrade. I find it quite a valuable and usable tool also.

Tommy Williams

Like Jeff, since Lightroom 2 came out, I hardly ever go to Photoshop. I did buy CS4 but I have done little more with it so far than install it and play around with the new features.

Doug Plummer

I have probably processed 50,000 images through Bridge and ACR. That's a big investment in muscle memory. Much as I would like to consider a move to Lightroom, the productivity hit would be huge. I had trouble with the interface when I first tried it, v.1, when it seemed to be a swiss army type application. I understand it is much improved, and for anyone with less investment in PS I think it is the better choice now.

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