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Tommy Williams

I think that's a great job--I can't figure out how you can put together these contra dance videos with just one camera. It has the feel of a multi-camera shoot (and I'm just talking about the shots of the musicians, not the dancers).

One question: what did you use to capture the audio? The built-in mic (and, if so, did you use a non-IS lens), or the Sennheiser MKE400 that you mentioned in another post, or did you record the audio on an portable recorder and then merge into the video during editing?

Doug Plummer

The useful facet of a contra dance is that the same 8 figures repeat a bunch of times. So I can plug in pieces from hither and yon and it appears to have some continuity.

The audio is from the Sennheiser. No tweaking to it. All the audio came from one steady shot of the musicians, which I cut away to several times. The other bits are edited into the video track only. I'm doing all this in Final Cut Pro.

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