One of the ways I am on vacation is that I am not caring what or how I photograph. With stock photography in the toilet I can abandon any pretense that I am shooting with any end use in mind whatsoever. I photograph just when I want to.
It means I am making a lot of stick pictures.
I think the California coastal scrub was made for me. On a hike up a densely shrubby riparian valley I felt I was in stick picture heaven. Walking slowly down the trail, stopping for Yellow Warbler or Wrentit songs, I would gaze into the brush. And work it. For whatever reason, these places are the ones I feel most alive photographically. The denser the better. I want to pack in as much as I can in that frame and see if it can still hold together. They aren't pretty pictures, and they are never going to be anyone's Flickr Favorites. Robin can't stand to look at the stuff I make out of these spots. It's too complex for her. This is photography as full bore self indulgence. I do it because I want to. And it makes me feel good.
Sounds like a pretty good life plan to me.
Today's take here.
I like stick pictures, and I like *this* stick picture!
Posted by: C. Wade | March 10, 2009 at 10:45 PM