Techwoman vs The Necktie Strangler from Doug Plummer on Vimeo.
Dream Tea's entry in the 48 Hour Film Project, Superhero Genre. A strangler (using the mandatory prop) finds victims using the search engine Bing. Our superhero's power reside in her bluetooth device. She attracts the strangler using Google, and vanquishes the villain.
Oh my. I get it now. This is why people make movies.
To be with other people watching the movie you made.
Last night was the night TechWoman vs The Necktie Strangler hit the bit screen. It looked really, really good. At least next to the competition. The 48 Hour Film Project is decidedly an amateur affair, and some of the “finished” films (which is stretching it) have various, shall we say, problems. Not that ours doesn't. It's a grainy, available light production of a very thin story. But our pacing, editing and camerawork were, I thought, the best of the evening.
And people laughed. They responded. They got our jokes. And when our team leader, Hina, stood up at the end we got the loudest ovation of the evening. At least I thought so.
Posted by: Tihh L. | June 26, 2009 at 08:57 PM