me for a workshop next March in, of all places, Costa Rica.
This came about through my connections with Holbrook Travel, who organize educational tours around the world. They own one of the oldest eco-tourist lodges in Costa Rica, in the north-central lowland rainforest.
This is a week-long exploration to photograph the landscape and people of the area. My instruction will be a mix of technical and attitudinal approaches to photography. I'll cover equipment and technique, which is not unimportant, but it's not the most essential ingredient to finding your voice as a photographer. Much of what we will do together is learn how to attune ourselves to your surroundings so we know how to see the photograph.
A tropical rainforest is one of the more disorienting environments on the planet to do this work. Even though I've photographed in Costa Rica before, I'll be learning too. I expect we will come together as a supportive community of learners as we explore and discover this territory for ourselves. We will come away with a new sense of how to capture place in a meaningful, personal way.
My structure for a workshop is a lot of looking at each other's work as we progress through the week. I'll offer technical information as needed and requested, but mostly we'll be immersed in photography. There are going to be various “field trips” in the region, to different rainforest habitats, to a cacao plantation, and guided wildlife walks. I'll be down there a few days before to scout these situations and rejigger them to meet our needs (we tend to want to linger in places much longer than civilians).
I'll be writing over the next few months about my process of preparation for this workshop. Stay tuned.
25-31, 2010
Selva Verde Lodge, Costa Rica
cost: $998
participants: 14