It's been weeks since I've been to the Fill, the birding sanctuary a mile down the hill. This small patch of landscape has the capacity to slow me down and make me notice like no other, and I have sorely needed to be slowed down after this month of nonstop shooting and processing. I step through the landscape, stand still and observe the flock of bushtits dribbling around me in the brush. On the path I am face to wingtip with a red-tailed hawk as it swoops low, almost upon me, before settling into the corkscrew willow along the lake. I watch the Bald Eagle harass the flock of coots in the lake, and I see a half dozen Hooded Mergansers disappear underwater and pop up like brightly colored fishing bobs. With my camera I nuzzle into brush and twig with a macro lens, seeing what configuration of leaf and branch feels right for that moment.
It's now pouring rain. A good excuse for burying myself into video editing for the afternoon.
More morning photos on Flickr.