The Shepherdstown Dance from Doug Plummer on Vimeo.
The Saturday contra dance held during the Cape Breton Fiddle Fest in Shepherdstown, West Virginia in October 2009. Anna Rain calls a dance by Dean Snipes. Wendy MacIsaac from Nova Scotia plays the piano.
Here's the latest personal video, from Shepherdstown, West Virginia. The contra dance was held during their Cape Breton Fiddle Fest, so the music was stunning.
I edited the music track first, then found the most interesting bits to illustrate the dance. I had 8 and a half minutes of footage to work with; the final piece comes in at 1:43. One trick I use is to tap out the beat on the "M" key, which puts in markers on the clip and on the timeline, depending on which is selected. The tempo was solidly even throughout the medley.When I lined up the beats on the timeline the music overlapped perfectly.