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The shift to the more social web is a big one... we're seeing more and more average/non-geek folks that are using sites like Facebook and Twitter when they previously weren't engaged with blogs.

I run Social Photo Talk, a site all about social media for photographers. If you're interested, I'd love to do a brief interview with you for the site. Drop me a note at the email address I'm leaving here... it would be great to share some of your thoughts with my audience.

Jeff H

I have subscribed to your daily photo post and Dispatches posts via Google RSS Reader for quite some time. I view the photo and your posts in Google reader and don't always visit the web page. I don't know if your web site statistics pick this up or not. Are you able to see how many people view your Dispatches posts via news readers?

Doug Plummer

It would be nice to think that my audience is much larger than I can see. I have no idea if Google Analytics picks up subscribers or not. I have practically no understanding of how it works.

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