« IRS audit day | Main | Behind the scenes of the "Why I Chose Yale" video »


jonathan canlas

thank you so much for these recent posts!!!

Guy Scharf

Great photo of the Bixby bridge, more interesting than many I have seen.

"The single most important thing to do? Be honest. Life is so much less stressful that way." -- So true, for all of life!

Barbara Jo

Thanks for stating things so clearly. You have survived one of my dreads. I hope you handled the Karma for us all.
Congratulations on a clean audit on multiple levels.

Martin Doonan

Very similar to the requirements for recording keeping for coporate accounts.
One thing we do (as a company) which might also help, is to scan copies of the receipts (ususally laid out on a sheet of paper) which can then be electronically archived in case you lose the originals.

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