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Jeff H

Have you considered getting an iPad instead of a Kindle?

Doug Plummer

I did, but went with the Kindle for several reasons, cost, weight and size being primary. Also, I distrust the first version of anything. What I would use the Ipad for is what I use my iPhone and laptop for now. The Kindle fulfills a function the others don't. Of course, I've been out of touch about these things before, and Robin is counting on me falling for an iPad so that she gets the Kindle.

Joe Sawicki

Having a major book fetish, I resisted the Kindle until a 11 day business trip to the pac-rim left me with the choice of buying a Kindle or checking lugagge because of all the books. I went with Kindle, and have been shocked to find that I've not read a physical book since. What I love is that reading is just reading, and being able to download samples on a whim and buy only after reading a bit has been wonderful.

Bob G

I've been doin the e-book thing for years with a series of Palm Pilots (currently Palm TX!) I use iSilo, and admittedly the choice of new books is slim, but public domain and internet stuff is abundant. At night it's backlit. I find a way for each to be propped up on a desktop. iSilo features variable speed scrolling (like a teleprompter) and I can use both hands to eat lunch! The Sony Clie used lithium AAA batteries, and I'm beginning to think that's the way to go for small electronic devices on long flights or where power outlets for recharging may not be found. I also take a regular book or two for when the electronic reader is out of juice.

Bruce Nall

While I didn't drink the poison - yet - it is on the shelf tempting me. I downloaded Kindle for the Mac on the MacBook - maybe the laptop is aptly named?


I'm first in line for your Aperture collection when you decide to unload all your print media, er, books.

Mike C.

Get a Windows netbook with good battery life and download "Kindle for PC" -- it's free and works fine. You can also run Adobe Digital Edition on the same device, for those "e-Pub only" items.

You get colour, better navigation and quicker response, who cares about "reading in direct sunlight"? Sit in the shade...


Mike C.

What I forgot to say: it's well worth carrying out a search for a representative sample of the sort of books you'd want to have on an e-reader. It can be very disappointing. You may even find that your reading choices end up being driven by what is available, not by what you actually wanted to read...


Doug Plummer

Well, I did buy the Kindle, though after I did I found that the iPad had a piano app (w/ full size keys) that would have been sweet. The best thing is the size. The thing is weightless, and the reading area is about the size of a small paperback. The interface is slow and kludgy, and yes, my book group's next pick is not in the Kindle store.

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