2 Canon 5D Mark II bodies
24-105mm lens
16-35mm lens
70-200mm lens
15mm fisheye lens
1 1.4 tele-extender
580EX strobe
2 extra batteries
2 chargers
pocket white-bal calibrator
pocket Greta MacBeth color chart
Visible Dust sensor blower
CF cards: 3 16gb, 4 8gb, 2 4gb, 11 2gb
2 variable ND filters (77 & 67mm)
gaffer tape
Litepanel LED
Zacuto finder
Flip minoHD video recorder
Sennheiser MKE-400 microphone
Sennheiser e835 cardioid microphone
Sennheiser XLR wireless transmitter
Sennheiser ew100 g2 wireless kit w/ lav microphone
Beachtek DXA-5D splitter for audio
Sony headphones
Zoom H4N w/ mini tripod and dead cat cover
Manfrotto mic stand
multiple XLR/phono/mini cables
3 portable hard drives
bag o'batteries (AAA, AA, 9v)
lens cloth
litedisk reflector
hand lotion
Gitzo G1158 carbon fiber tripod w/ Really Right Stuff BH-30 ballhead
Thanks Doug for the useful packing nitty gritty. I folo the photo choices but what pieces of audio gear go with which microphones?
All the Sennheisers for the Zoom H4N? Or does the Flip figure in there somewhere?
Posted by: waywest | April 09, 2010 at 01:44 PM