It is time to close down the darkroom.
It is like announcing a death. I have never been without a darkroom in my life for more than a few months. Ever. Even in my peripatetic twenties I borrowed spaces, developed film in kitchen sinks and erected makeshift darkrooms in dusty basements. But it is increasingly evident that darkroom work is in my past.
The darkroom still sits there, in an uncomfortable limbo. Part storage unit, part museum piece of the dream darkroom that I built in my own house. It is time to help it pass to the other side.
Before that happens, I'm going to fire it up and have one last printing session, and use up all my paper. And you can be a part.
These are the last three images I may ever print in silver. You can have one. For cheap: $150. For an unmounted panoramic silver print on 10"x24" paper. This is a serious deal. When I exhibited this work in New York, a framed print went for $900.
Here's how it works. Visit my Dispatches Blog if you're reading this on an RSS Reader, and you'll see a PayPal store to the right. Pick a print, and pay. I'm gathering orders between now and 10/30. I'll deliver your print by 12/1.
Here are the three images.
Sun Ring over Skelligs, Ireland, 2000
I promise not to gloat about the new store room.
Posted by: Robin Shapiro | September 16, 2010 at 06:57 PM