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Cool that you noticed that and are re-centering around your purpose with the Daily Photo practice.

I should just say, as an occasional commenter (and ponderer of what does and doesn't get responses on FB and why), anyone with more than x number of FB friends who post at all regularly will only get a selection of what they might see, and the randomness of timing and attention is a huge factor i think. There's so much passive information coming at one in limited time available on FB, and a certain quality of, uh, attention float, that it's unusual to go looking for someone's posts there if they don't show up during the time frame that you're paying attention.

Someone who bookmarks and navigates to your Daily Photo daily is a different story than the FB friend who does or doesn't stumble upon it through the complex algorithm of randomness that is Facebook...and whether the person who will resonate to a particular image is the one who sees it, or isn't in a hurry or focused on something else when it appears to them.

Doug Plummer

I think the Top News algorithm plays a big role. Once people start commenting, it tend to get boosted to that status where more people see it, and the comments thus grow even more. It's addictive to see comments on posts (I should buy more Carhartt garments, apparently), but I'm also noting the unintended consequences.

Mike C.

I don't use Facebook myself, but I've developed a feeling over the years that any praise is unhelpful to growth which is not accompanied by cash and/or offers of employment, Doug.

There is a culture of mutual praise on the web that seems positively harmful. I think of a friend who started a blog as an outlet for his ambition to write poetry but who has now descended into greetings card territory, chasing the praise and encouragement of a community of other poetry bloggers. According to them, he's an unpublished genius. It's a lovely warm bath of mediocrity in there...

Puritan instincts aside ("all praise is bad"), it's pretty evident that the web is very good at encouraging groupthink, very bad at identifying and nurturing originality.


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